Apr 28, 2013

19. Nichi

Kaikki käden ulottuvilla / Everything within arm's reach

Kun mietin tätä viikkoa taaksepäin, nousee suurimpana tätä viikkoa inspiroineena asiana mieleen uusien ideoiden kokeilu. Se liittyy hyvin läheisesti myös eiliseen taidemerkintään.
Kokeilin uutta aika pienessä mittakaavassa sen mukaan mitä osaan jo ennestään, mutta uuden ideoiminen ajatustasollakin virkistää mukavasti. Sitten kun on kerran saanut ideat liikkeelle, niin niitä tahtoo tulla silloinkin kun ei tarvitsisi, esim. nukkumaan mennessä. x)
Kokeilin viikolla muun muassa uusia piirustustyylejä. Se virkistää ja auttaa löytämään oman polkuni kuvittajana. Luonnostelu on kivaa!
Eilen esittelemistäni nuket olivat myös yksi kokeilun osa-alue, kun koitin keksiä miten voisin muunnella tekemieni pehmokais-nukkein rakennetta. Kokeilussa nuken vartalokin on virkattu sen sijaan, että tekisin sen rautalangasta. Malli ei ole vielä lopullinen, koska se ei sovi kaikenlaisille hahmiolle, mutta hauska kokeilu joka tapauksessa! Aikaisempia nukke-töitäni voitte ihastella täällä: http://halina-softies.blogspot.fi/

Tuleeko lukijoilla mieleen tällä viikolla arkea inspiroineita asioita?


When I think this week backwards the biggest inspiration I got from new ideas and testing them in practice. Yesterday's post is all about that, too.
I didn't try anything big, just did familiar things a bit differently. Brain-storming keeps mind open and alert which feels great. Except when you're about to go to sleep and ideas just keep on coming to you... x]
In practice I tested two ideas: new drawing styles and how to make my dolls even better. Sketching and trying different drawing styles keep me inspired and help me to find my own way as an illustrator. And sketcking is lots of fun!
Then about the dolls. I've made small dolls now for a while and lately I've been thinking how I could make them even better. The pattern I used for those geishas isn't the final pattern but good try anyway. Earlier dolls have body of iron wire but this new model had a crocheted body. It doesn't fit for all characters, though. See more dolls I've made here: http://halina-softies.blogspot.fi/

How was your week, what inspired your days the most?

Apr 27, 2013

18. Do

Tämän viikon taide on hieman erilaista kuin aikaisempina viikkoina. :D Sain olla hetken lavastajakin, kun tein tuon kujan geishoille. Korkeutta geishoilla on noin 8cm.


This week's art is a bit different than before. :D I could be a set designer for a while when I made that alley for geishas. Those geishas are about 3" tall.

Apr 21, 2013

17. Nichi: DOUBLE ART

Double-Art jatkuu näin sunnuntaille ja syrjäyttää inspiraation lähteen pohtimisen tällä viikolla. Sinänsä se ei haittaa, koska olen edelleen inspiroitunut samasta asiasta kuin viime viikolla. :D

Eilen ennakkoon näyttämäni Onnenkivet-sarja saa tänään jatkoa kolmella kuvalla. Vuorossa ovat: Kissansilmä, Rubiini ja Akvamariini (Leijona, Oinas+Leijona, Vesimies). Joko olet löytänyt oman onnenkivesi näistä kuudesta paljastamastani kortista?


Sooo the Double-Art post continues! I won't ponder this week's source of inspiration then and that's fine because I'm still inspired by the same thing as last week. :)

Yesterday I showed you three cards from my new Lucky-stones series and today I show you three more. Today I represent you: Cat's-eye, Ruby and Aquamarine (Leo, Aries+Leo, Aquarius). Have you seen your lucky-stone yet?

Apr 20, 2013


DoNichi-Artilla tulee tänä viikonloppuna täyteen 2 kuukautta, joten onneksi olkoon! Sen kunniaksi tämä viikonloppu kulkee nimellä Double-Art, eli taidonnäytteitä näkyy sekä tänään että huomenna. :)

Tämän viikonlopun kuvat liittyvät kuvasarjaan, jota toteutan parhaillaan. Siihen tulee 12-13 kuvaa - yksi jokaiselle horoskoopin onnenkivelle, jollekin ehkä kaksikin. Tänään vuorossa (vasemmalta oikealle): Safiiri, Sardonyksi ja Turmaliini (Vaaka, Neitsyt, Kaksonen). Kuvien nimet ja värit tulevat onnenkiven mukaan. Tyylin määrittelee minun näkymykseni kiven olemuksesta.


DoNichi-Art turns this weekend 2-months-old. Congratulations dear blog! To celebrate that this weekend got a name Double-Art. It means that you'll see art on both today and tomorrow. :)

This weekend's pictures are part of the series I'm making at the moment. There will be 12-13 pictures - one for each horoscope (maybe two for some) and their lucky-stone. Here I represent you: Sapphire, Sardonyx and Tourmaline (Libra, Virgo, Gemini). Pictures get their name and colors by the lucky-stone. I define the picture's style by the lucky-stone's outlook.

Apr 14, 2013

15. Nichi

Tällä kertaa merkintä on vain englanniksi, koska käännettävää olisi muuten tullut ihan hirveästi. Koittakaa saada selvää soperruksestani! :D Pääpointti on kuitenkin se, että mikä tällä viikolla inspiroi ja vastaukseksi kysymykseen totean: inspiroivat ihmiset.

Oikein hyvää tulevaa viikkoa kaikille!


Howdy-how people!
Since it's Sunday and time for Nichi-post it's time to ask: What inspired me this week?
Once again I gained my inspiration from fandom stuff but it wasn't just squealing over some boy band/artist. I did that too, but it also made me think very deep in the end of the week.

It all started when I watched a Taiwanese drama called Autumn's Concerto during last weekend. It's a story about a boy and a girl who end up dating by a bet. The boy is from a rich family and he's a bit arrogant. The girl is from quite poor family but yet she's very positive about life and teaches about love and caring to that boy. It's a very typical set for a romantic drama... :] There're many many obstacles, like the boy's nasty mother who separates those two and the brain surgery which makes the boy lose all of his memories before the surgery. No-one know that the girl is pregnant when she moves to other city. After six years the couple meets each other accidentally again aaaaaand.. Rest you can find out yourselves! It was a lovely drama. I recommend!

But that was just the start. :D Actually the power to keep my inspiration go on was the main male role in that drama - Vanness Wu. Vanness is American-born Taiwanese multi-talent. I know him as a singer and an actor. After I had ended the drama I did a bit research and watched his music videos and interviews and listened his music...etc. Then I got to know that he's very religious. I'm not that religious myself even though I do believe in some greater power in this world but when I listened Vanness' talk about praying in one interview I felt moved. It sounded so kind of him to pray for other people. Of course I can't be sure if he does that all of the time and for real but somehow it's very hard to imagine that he would've lied... Anyway, I admire him more now. And I can't get enough of his songs...

Vanness Wu

About that deep thinking... It was before I watched that interview where Vanness talked about God and praying and that stuff but I started to think about the purpose of life. Maybe that's the reason why I was so touched by Vanness' words because I was already so deep in thought..? x) I even looked for some forum posts to see if people think about these things on these days. I noticed that some do and some don't. Then I found some blog posts which told me how I could find my life purpose. I read couple of them and read the comments those posts had received and many of those comments related to our beloved people. Most people want to do good for other people in their life. I felt the same when I tried one of those tips how to find my life purpose. Of course there're other things, too. I want to do good with art as well.

This is extremely long post already so I'll wrap it up now. The answer to my own question I asked in the beginning is: inspirational people. That's what inspired me this week. :)

Have a wonderful coming week everybody and stay tuned for next week's posts!

Apr 13, 2013

14. Do

Viikon teemana oli PUNAINEN ja minä sain siitä aikaiseksi fanitaidetta. ;) Liitän myöhemmin linkin speed painting-videoon, jossa on yksi hyväksi toteamani vinkki piirtämiseen/maalaamiseen. Vinkkinä myös se, että maalauspohjana voi käyttää lähes mitä tahansa materiaalia. Aina ei tarvitse maksaa maltaita! :3



This week' theme was RED. I made fan-art out of it. 8) I'll give you a link to the painting's speed painting video later. It includes one good tip for drawing/painting. The other tip is that you can paint on almost any material. It doesn't always have to cost a lot. :3

Apr 7, 2013

13. Nichi

Hmm, siinä missä viime viikolla oli vaikea valita monesta inspiroineesta asiasta, niin tällä viikolla tuntui olevan pula niistä. Mutta niin se elämä joskus menee. :]

Kyllä minä kuitenin saan täytettä tämänkin viikon Nichi-postaukseen! Katselin viikolla hyvin paljon eri kuvittajien haastatteluja YouTubessa, josta sain vähän lisäpotkua omiin touhuihini. Jaan tässä pari suosikkiani viikolta:

Simon James: Baby Brains

Lynne Chapman: Becoming an Illustrator

Ja nyt joku rohkea lukija kertoo mikä asia häntä inspiroi/innosti/teki onnelliseksi? :D Muistutan, että kaikki voi kommentoida. Siihen ei tarvita Google-tiliä, Twitteriä tai Facebookia tms. Voit kommentoida täysin anonyymistikin. Arvostaisin sitä paljon. :)


Last week I had difficulties to decide what inspired me the most and this week I'm totally opposite. I had to think hard for this one! But that's life... :]

But I wouldn't leave a Nichi-post empty so I show you couple of the most interesting videos I saw this week. I watched lots of illustrator's interviews during the week which boosted my own artwork a bit.

And now some brave reader could tell me what inspired you or made you enthusiastic/happy this week? :D You don't need a Google/Twitter/Facebook/etc. account to do that. You can leave your comment anonymously, too. I'd appreciate it a lot. :)

Apr 6, 2013

12. Do

Tällä viikolla Do-postaus sai minulta aiheekseen laivaston sinisen ja sitä edustamaan valitsin oman hahmoni (jolla ei vielä ole nimeä). Speed painting video on tulossa!

EDIT: Video


This week my subject was Navy Blue. The character I chose to represent it is one of my own characters (she doesn't have a name yet). Speed painting video is coming later!

EDIT: Video